🚀 Create a Folder in Google Drive Swiftly: with Make.com and Monday.com🚀

Hey monday.com friends,

:star2: We’ve set up a cool system using Make.com to help manage your tasks and files. Here’s how it works:

1.Change Status in Monday.com :spiral_calendar:
When you change the status to “Planned” in Monday.com, it triggers our automation.

2.Search Google Drive :mag:
It checks Google Drive to see if a folder already exists.

3.Look Inside Folders :open_file_folder:
If the folder exists, it searches for a file matching the Monday.com item. If not, it creates a new folder.

4.Create New Folder :white_check_mark:
If the file isn’t there, a new folder with the Monday.com item name is created.

5.Update Link in Monday.com :link:
It updates the Google Drive link column in Monday.com with the folder’s web link.

6.Automatic Folder Creation :file_folder:
A new Google Drive folder is created to keep everything organized.

:sparkles: Benefits:
Automatic folder and file management.
Real-time updates to your Monday.com board.

:wrench: Try it now and boost your productivity! :rocket:

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