Thanks you for this…
I now having it working fine…
except it just adds items to the top group.
Is there a way to assign which group id like it to go into on the board?
query5 = ‘mutation ($myItemName: String!, $columnVals: JSON!) { create_item (board_id:3716595122, item_name:$myItemName, column_values:$columnVals) { id } }’
vars3716595122 = {
‘myItemName’: f’{self.md_fullname}‘, # Main Key Item, (We Use Customers Full Name)
‘columnVals’: json.dumps({
‘test’: f’{self.md_ro}‘, # ‘title’: ‘RO’,
‘text1’: f’{self.md_estimate}‘, # ‘title’: ‘Estimate #’,
‘text7’: f’{self.md_vin}', # ‘title’: ‘VIN’,
‘text0’: self.md_vehicle_model, # ‘title’: ‘Vehicle Model’,
‘text11’: self.md_total_hours, # ‘title’: ‘hours’,
‘numeric’: self.md_total_hours # ‘title’: ‘Total Hours’,