Cross Account Copier not copying anything

I am an admin using the same email on both accounts (both Pro Plan Trial). There is only one board of type Main (no additional boards, charts, dashboards, etc.) which I placed into a folder before following the subsequent steps in the Cross Account Copier documentation. I receive the confirmation email, click the button to confirm, which then takes me to the account which is to receive the files, but there is nothing there.

I’ve tried it both with an existing board in place as well as without any existing boards. Additionally, I have gone through the steps using the web ui in the browser as well as in the desktop app on a Mac. None of these alternatives has led to success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Tim,

Sorry you’re experiencing this - this doesn’t sound right!

Given you’re following the steps outlined in the relevant documentation, I would recommend you reach out to our support team via a chat for this to be escalated to our technical team for investigation. You’re welcome to reference this thread for it to be fast tracked :pray:

I reached out to chat who then escalated the issue to the tech team. Their response was to have me make sure I was logged into both accounts before initiating the copy, which, just by chance, I likely never was in my previous attempts. Being logged into both accounts worked, but it needs to be noted that, at this time, you need to be logged into to both accounts in the same browser. When I was logged into one in Firefox and the other in Safari, the copy didn’t occur. So, it must be some confirmation that is happening on the client side rather than the server side.

For any who finds this in the future and is having the same issue, log into both accounts (both admin, same emails) in the same browser before initiating the copy.

Hi Tim,

I appreciate you sharing the advice offered by support and apologies that it became a bit of a journey for you… I am happy to take this feedback to the relevant teams internally so we can work towards a more efficient process :pray: