Custom images on Monday Forms?

We use a lot of different Monday Forms at this point- some of them are sales pieces or opt-ins for customers. As much as I like the logo we use for our Monday (which, on a different note… can we have that back soon? :wink: We miss seeing our name on Monday…), for our purposes it would be helpful to drop in whatever image we wanted for a form. That way if it’s for a service we manage or partner we handle Monday for, we can put a logo relevant to what we’re selling?


Many people asked me about images in forms ! That would be great to have it in our forms to avoid users to go on Typeform and google form only

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Hey @kolinhayes! This is great feedback to have thank you! Can you send us a screenshot of a form as an example? I do believe we want to enhance the forms feature for the future but we’re working on many things at the moment so it may be on lower priority at the moment. I’d be happy to share this with our product & dev team so thanks again for this input! :slight_smile:

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I’m more talking about logos like the ones we have on our accounts that an image INSIDE the form. I wouldn’t mind a full HTML editor, but baby-steps.

All I intended to say was where we currently have the option to use our account logo in the top left or not… it would be nice if that was configurable. We use forms on behalf of partners we manage, as well as their additional services, and those all have unique branding.


I am also wondering about this functionality. There’s an admin setting for an email header that can then be loaded onto any forms. Is there any flexibility for overriding that admin logo with another logo? Our use case is that we have multiple product logos and users that use support forms. I would prefer to have the correct product logo with the associated form, rather than a generic company logo.