Custom Report Generation for documenting weekly sales contact information.

I am looking to create a simple report on Monday that reports out my sales contact interaction chronologically by date of contact that includes the name of the contact and somehow reports out the contents of my “acivity” notes without having to copy and paste them individual contacts.

My current workaround involves setting a status field named “worked” to yes and a last contact date flagged on the date of interaction with the potential client, and copying the internal notes from my contact to the “comments” field, and copying the contact to a new group called “worked”.

At the end of the week, i export the table to an excel file, then import it into an existing table in MS Access, then append the data to a new table copied from a template designed to mirror the excel data in Access. Once that is successful, i then change the record source property of the report template to pull the data from the new Access table now populated with the updated excel file info and the finished report template displays the my sales data from the week for review by management.

It is very effective. Access is very good at creating useful custom reports. I see absolutley no way to produce anything similar natively and easily in

Your thoughts and observations please…thanks.

Hey Chuck,

We’re working on a new reporting solution (we have an old one for a long time).
Would love to learn more about this case and see if we can meet this requirement.
If you would like to discuss further, please send an email to daniel @