The email-to-board functionality is great, but I want to be able to provide a “public” email address for client to log items. Whilst we can do this already with the “share outside this account” feature, the generated email address is not really good enough for public consumption. It would be great to be able to either customise this, just as we can with the mail address, or to select to say it should be the same.
In the meantime, Monday has entirely degraded the email-to-board feature.
Please vote here to reinstatet the feature: Please, reinstate option to modify email address in "create items via email" - #2 by vibusd
This feature is absolutely crucial to my company’s workflow, can’t believe they are getting rid of it. AND with no notice.
Same. I’ve had to email my clients advising them to use the forms instead until I can setup some kind of email relay.
yeah good luck with setting up a relay. keen to understand if you got something to work. the key issue is that every single subscriber to the board has a unique email address (which is locked) so how is a mail relay going to work. you would have to set up aliases for every single persons unique email address to simplify it to an ‘easy to type’ email address for humans - impossible right?
@monday really screwed everyone over with this. and they are tight lipped about it. only explanation for that is they are ashamed of their incompetence over this entire fiasco.
were actively looking to bail to another product as soon as we can.
Let me know if you find an alternative. The loss of custom email-address is a disaster.