Deleting items query not working

Hello there, I am experiencing problems since today and I have not migrated yet. I am trying to migrate but I keep getting errors and I cannot seem to find the solutions.

This is the error i am getting: "

Fout bij het ophalen van items: [{‘message’: ‘List dimension mismatch on variable $boardId and argument ids (ID! / [ID!])’, ‘locations’: [{‘line’: 3, ‘column’: 28}], ‘path’: [‘query’, ‘boards’, ‘ids’], ‘extensions’: {‘code’: ‘variableMismatch’, ‘variableName’: ‘boardId’, ‘typeName’: ‘ID!’, ‘argumentName’: ‘ids’, ‘errorMessage’: ‘List dimension mismatch’}}, {‘message’: ‘List dimension mismatch on variable $groupId and argument ids (String! / [String])’, ‘locations’: [{‘line’: 4, ‘column’: 32}], ‘path’: [‘query’, ‘boards’, ‘groups’, ‘ids’], ‘extensions’: {‘code’: ‘variableMismatch’, ‘variableName’: ‘groupId’, ‘typeName’: ‘String!’, ‘argumentName’: ‘ids’, ‘errorMessage’: ‘List dimension mismatch’}}]


My script is there to delete all the items in a group when a scripts run through python/selenium. This is my code: "

def delete_item(api_key, item_id):
api_url = “
headers = {
“Authorization”: api_key,
“Content-Type”: “application/json”,
“API-Version”: “2023-10”

# GraphQL-mutatie voor het verwijderen van een item
query = """
mutation deleteItem($itemId: ID!) {
    delete_item (item_id: $itemId) {

# De body voor de HTTP POST request
data = {
    "query": query,
    "variables": {"itemId": item_id}

response =, json=data, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200 and 'errors' not in response.json():
    print(f"Item {item_id} succesvol verwijderd.")
    return True
    print(f"Fout bij het verwijderen van item {item_id}: {response.text}")
    return False

def delete_all_items_in_group(api_key, board_id, group_id):
api_url = “
headers = {
“Authorization”: api_key,
“Content-Type”: “application/json”,
“API-Version”: “2023-10”

# Aangepaste query met expliciete type definitie
query = """
            query ($boardId: ID!, $groupId: String!) {
                boards(ids: $boardId) {
                    groups(ids: $groupId) {
                        items_page {
                            items {

# Zorg ervoor dat de variabelen als lijsten van ID's worden doorgegeven
response =, json={
    'query': query,
    'variables': {
        'boardId': [board_id],  # Verzeker dat dit als een lijst wordt doorgegeven
        'groupId': [group_id],  # Verzeker dat dit als een lijst wordt doorgegeven
}, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200 and 'errors' not in response.json():
    items_data = response.json()['data']['boards'][0]['groups'][0]['items_page']['items']
    item_ids = [item['id'] for item in items_data]

    for item_id in item_ids:
        delete_item(api_key, item_id)
    print(f"Fout bij het ophalen van items: {response.json().get('errors')}")

I am not that experienced in coding, thats probably the reason. I was hoping to get some help, so that my script is working again.

Hello there @Brian1 and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

What are you passing as an example of a boardId value? (no need for the actual ID).

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Hello @Matias.Monday,

Thank you for getting back to me.

I must admit that I am not an expert, but I’ll do my best to understand and address your question accurately.

My goal is to delete every item within a specific group. For this purpose, I’m using the following values:

  • Group ID: “nieuwe_groep8945”
  • Board ID: 1344967475

I hope this information assists in diagnosing the issue. I look forward to any guidance you can provide on how to resolve this problem.

Best regards,

Hello again @Brian1,

Would you be able to please try this?

query ($boardId: [ID!], $groupId: [String]) {
                boards(ids: $boardId) {
                    groups(ids: $groupId) {
                        items_page {
                            items {

Let me know how that goes!



Its working @Matias.Monday.

Thank you very much!!

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Happy to help @Brian1 !!!

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