Do you use the llama farm widget?🦙

We are looking at collection data around the Llama Farm widget and would love to hear if you use it in your workflow!

Do you use the llama farm widget?

  • Yes!!
  • No :frowning:
  • What is that?
0 voters

My team loves the llamas! :llama:

I love the concept of the farm but is not used here. We should maybe use it for our sales team to see how many are not sold yet. :slight_smile:

I feel better that I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what this is, but I’m so happy to have discovered it.

It is simply the best widget available :llama::llama::llama:

llama farm is fun concept but Monday team can better invest in implementing some basic features like text wrap, subitem date/timeline and duration rollups, dependencies between tasks and subtasks, and more… than the llama farm.


or things like, I dunno, making the permission model actually enterprise grade?