Docs are deprecated for the Files / Assets query? Can't find Files query for new versions of API

I was trying to use this query to fetch all the files available on my table:

query {
  boards (ids:1238430173) {
    items (limit:100) {
      assets {

On the end of the output, it prints this, but I am still unsure on how to create the query:

  "extensions": {
    "warnings": [
        "message": "Replaced by Board.items_page in 2023-10",
        "locations": [
            "line": 3,
            "column": 5
        "path": [
        "extensions": {
          "code": "deprecatedField",
          "typeName": "Board",
          "fieldName": "items"

That query runs fine using the unsupported version of the API 2023-07, but I need that query for a new / recent version of it, not to an unsupported one as it is on the docs for this endpoint, under Assets (files)

What is the query to fetch the Assets / Files and it’s public URLs on a board, for a new version of the API?

Thank you!

EDIT: I was able to create the query that fetches the files on the new version of the API:

query {
  boards (ids:1231231231) {
    items_page {
      items {
        assets {

Hope it helps anyone!