Drive Connect: Seamless Google Drive Integration for

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:star2: Supercharge Your Workflow with Google Drive Integration in! :star2:

:rocket: Seamlessly connect your workspace with Google Drive to upload, preview, and manage files—all without switching platforms!

:briefcase: Boost collaboration, ensure file version control, and streamline project management for your team.

See it in action! Schedule a demo

:key: Key Features:

:outbox_tray: Upload Files to Google Drive from

:file_folder: Effortlessly upload documents, images, spreadsheets, and presentations to Google Drive directly from your boards.

:sparkles: Stay productive without leaving the platform!

:arrows_counterclockwise: Automatic Sync

:stopwatch: Keep your files up-to-date with real-time sync between and Google Drive.

:white_check_mark: Any changes are instantly reflected, ensuring your team always works on the latest versions.

:card_index_dividers: Organize and Manage Files Efficiently

:pushpin: Automatically create board-level and item-level folders in Google Drive.

:dart: Easily organize, create new folders, and manage files—all within—keeping everything neat and accessible.

:handshake: Real-Time Collaboration

:speech_balloon: Collaborate on Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides directly from

:link: Share files with your team and experience real-time updates, enhancing teamwork and productivity.

:closed_lock_with_key: Backup & Security

:shield: Rely on Google Drive’s robust backup and security features for peace of mind.

:busts_in_silhouette: Manage file access and keep sensitive data secure within your workspace.

:open_book: Need More Details?

:mag: Check out our complete app documentation for in-depth guidance

:point_right: Get started today and unlock the full potential!

:speech_balloon: For any feedback, suggestions, or queries, feel free to contact us at :email: