Duplicate table automatic deletion/addition to all

I need help! I am new to Monday and am trying to figure out why when I duplicate a main table but add a new name/title to each table, every time I add or delete information to ANY table, EVERY table has been edited. How do I go about being able to keep each table it’s own information without jeopardizing the other tables? I’ve tried everything I can think of. I’m at my wits end and can’t do any work projects until I figure it out.
Thanks in advance.

Hello @EGM ,

Welcome to the monday community! :muscle:

Can you please provide a screenshot regarding what you are describing as tables? I cannot quite understand what you are referring to in order to help you ( monday does not have a table terminology).

Let me know and I will be glad to help!

Giannis, Implementation Consultant at thespelas.com

Hi Elisa,

Like Giannis says, it’s hard to advise in detail without knowing what your duplicate tables are for and what your ideal workflow is.

That said, based on my own experience, I think what the issue here is you’re actually creating table views and not separate, individual tables (which would need to be separate boards instead)

So all table views share/use the information found with each other in the same board, meaning any edits you do to either tab can affect the other(s). The intent here is you can filter information and save that as a specific view so you don’t have to constantly filter the main table (which does not save filters/sorts/etc). Think of the main table as a data dump/source and views as an easier way to show specific information based on whatever needs you have.

If it’s not this, a screenshot and explanation would be needed for the community to provide help