Edit Templates - Column Templates

How do I edit a template once it has been created? Specifically Column templates. I have a column named ‘Module’ and it appears on several boards, do I have to go into each one to add a new module? If this is the case, can I submit a feature request to make templates more manageable?

Ideally, you can edit options and settings of Column Templates you save and those changes cascade to the columns on existing boards

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Hello Phil! Can you please explain how I can access this setting?

Hey Kristin,

Here is a knowledge base article from monday that may help–> https://support.monday.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005466609#column_templates

Let me know!

We work with 500 people in our enterprise structure.
This includes 20+ workspaces, i.e. 20 teams.
Each team needs different columns, for which we use templates.
When these templates are created however, they cannot be edited after creating.


  • Make column template names editable after creation
  • Have an admin view for which template is used in which workspace

I am also interested in a feature to edit templated columns. We work in an organization that continually changes names making column templates almost useless for us. If we had the ability to edit the templated column that would then filter to all the boards using those columns that would save SO much time! I can see this thread is over a year old, is this a feature request already?
Kari M

We also need this feature - edit as well as preview - would like to be able to see what is in the column template before adding it to a board.

We also need this feature as we have multple workspaces and boards. Is there a workaround for this?