Editing calendar hours


I’m testing the calendar at the moment, however, I’m running into 2 issues regarding the ‘hours I hope someone can help out resolving.’

So, I have ‘hours’ enabled but:

  1. My hours start at 12 at night, I much rather have them start at 9 in the morning so I don’t have to scroll down everytime I open up my calendar. How do I do that?
  2. I have the default time for tasks set to 1 hour, however, some are longer, others are shorter. I would like to be able to play around with that so I have a good overview of when I have spare time and when I do not.

How do I solve these 2 issues?

Thank you!

Does anyone happen to have any feedback on this topic?

Hi @Tessa, We’ve developed a new calendar app packed with these features and much more. check it out: monday.com apps marketplace

If you want to play with an end date/time for your items, Calendar Plus can display items with a start and end time. It supports multiple columns and subitems, but if you’ve just got the one start/end date it’s free :slight_smile:

The calendar opens to 6 am currently and comfortably shows your entire day at a glance. We’re open to a feature request though!