Employee time off tracking - half days

Hi there,

I have set up a vacations board to track when people are taking time off. It is quite common as well for people to take half days off (4h), would you have any idea on how to input that in Monday.Com?


Kind regards,


We just use a formula column to tally the days used, and put those half days in as 0.5. You could just as easily use a formula column and hours (4 or 8) instead. The actual date(s) they take off are in a separate column.

Or were you talking about wanting to display a timeline or calendar view for the team and show half days?

Hi! Thanks for your reply, I think I will take your suggestion and add a column for the hours they would like to take off, thanks!!

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Continuing the discussion from Employee time off tracking - half days:


Is it possible to display half days in a calendar view?

Hey @London :wave:

It’s not possible to show half-days on our calendar features at the moment.

However, you can vote to have this capability added to the platform here!: Calendar View Feedback

You can always submit any feedback or vote in favor of feature requests through our Feedback Section of the Community: Post Feedback Here!

In the meantime, the HR Requests template from our templates center can be used for vacation request setups:

I hope this helps!


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