Exporting to Excel from the Search Everything feature

My company uses the “Search Everything” feature to run a weekly report which gathers information from over 50 boards. We search by a specific hashtag and export the list. It appears that Monday has gotten rid of the option to export to excel from the “Search Everything” area. How should my team run their weekly report now? It is not feasible to export a list from 50 individual boards. Any thoughts or can the previous option to export from the “Search Everything” be restored?

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I have come up against the exact same thing. I’d just discovered the feature and was excited to use it only to find it gone! I’d love for it to be restored!

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We also used the Export to Excel option in Search Everything!!

This is a huge issue, as mentioned in the original post, it is not feasible to export 50+ individual boards.

I am aware that there are certain app integrations that accomplish this, but they are pricey and extremely slow to load all of my boards (if they load at all).

Please bring this feature back!!!


@Leahgracers & @rltaylor

Follow this link and vote to bring back the feature. This will greatly help get this issue in front of the Monday support team.

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