Extract Domain from Email address

We need to isolate the domain for email addresses in another column, can someone help me with the formula to pull the string after the @ symbol?

Hey Tiffany!

While it’s not an exact fit for what you are looking for, I was able to dig up this specific use case for separating first and last names from an email address - perhaps you can play around with the formula to do this for the email domain?


LEFT({Email},MINUS(SEARCH(β€œ.”,{Email},1),1))&" β€œ&LEFT(RIGHT({Email},MINUS(LEN({Email}),SEARCH(”.β€œ,{Email},1))),SEARCH(”@β€œ,RIGHT({Email},MINUS(LEN({Email}),SEARCH(”.",{Email},1))),1)-1)

The way it works:

  • Find the first separator (in the formula i am using a dot β€œ.”, but it can b replaced with any symbol like _ instead and show all characters before it;
  • From there, show all symbols after that first separator symbol, until the β€œ@”
  • will work with any email length

If you need any further help, our formula experts can be reached here!

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Hi Tiffany,



Want to take your formulas to the next level? Try the Advanced Formula Booster, the app that reinvents formulas in monday.

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  • In one formula, update multiple columns from multiple items.

Check our blog for real use cases.

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thanks @GCavin - just realized I never came back and said that worked beautifully!