Figuring out billing projections month by month


I am new to and trying to build a billing projections sheet for our consulting firm. I have a start date, end date, deal value and duration in months column. I think it would have been straightforward if the monthly value was the same for each month, but sometimes projects do not start at the beginning of the month or end at the end of the month, which makes it tricky to calculate the first and last month revenue. For example, if a project started on Jan 15 and ended on Mar 15, and had a total value of $20,000, we would be paid $5,000 in Jan and Mar, but $10,000 in February, so how would I set up the formula in order to get monetary values based on the exact dates? Thank you!

@sidszia You can create a chart like that with the Analytics & Reports add-on by Screenful. The chart is called Workload and it shows how much work is allocated for the future, based on start and end dates. Here’s an example chart:

The leftmost bar is the current month and the bars to the right are the future months. If you select deal value as the unit for the chart, it will allocate the value evenly between the start and end date.

You can learn more about this chart, or start a free trial to give it a try with your own data.