Form to push data to 3 boards and then connect them together

I have 4 boards:

  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Deals
  • Request Forms

When a customer makes a payment a sales agent goes to the “Request Form” and fills out a form explaining the details of the sales (e.g. customer info, business info, deal info, etc.)

As soon as that form is submitted our first automation kicks in:


  1. When item is created assign creator as owner (perfect, this works great)

From this point on I need some help:

Now I can easily create items in the 3 different boards:


  1. When an item is created create an item in Contacts
  2. When an item is created create an item in Accounts
  3. When an item is created create an item in Deals

This works correctly too. However the hard part is now how can I connect these 3 together.

  • Consider the relationship between an Accounts item and a Deals is the “Business name”
  • Consider the relationship between an Accounts item and a Contacts is the “Email”

I have been using a “beta” automation on the Accounts board that says (let’s use Contacts as an example):


When an item is created in this board, connect the item where Email matches Email in Contacts by adding new matched item

I do the exact same thing for Accounts and Deals using the “Business name” as the connector.

In theory this can only work if on the SECOND AUTOMATION the Deals and the Contacts were created first, so once the Accounts is created the other two actually exist for this THIRD AUTOMATION to kick in correctly, or else if Accounts is created first, the THIRD AUTOMATION will try to find a Contacts or Deals that has not yet been created and the automation won’t work. Unfortunately I have no control on telling automation which to do first and which to do next, so most of the time this does not work correctly.

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?

Thank you.