Is there a way to do rich formatting inside of Replies to Updates? I like the formatting options when creating an Update, but when commenting/replying to someone’s update, there are no formatting options that I see.
I do see though that cmd+b/ctrl+b will bold and cmd+i/ctrl+i will italicize inside of Replies.
Are there other shortcuts for other formatting inside of a Reply?
So far, the other hidden shortcuts I’ve found for Replies are:
cmd/ctrl+b - bold
cmd/ctrl+i - italicize
cmd/ctrl+u - underline
cmd/ctrl+k - hyperlink
cmd/ctrl+l and cmd/ctrl+h make the text smaller…? not sure what function that is normally
Not sure if there are others using alt/option/shift.
With that in mind, the Feature Feedback that @JohnW shared earlier will be the best place to vote and comment for this feature to be added: Formatting Options in Updates Feedback