Formula column: Add options for decimal places and number formats

A workaround could be to create a formula column linked to your amount column, with this kind of formula:
if({Amount}>=1000,rounddown({Amount}/1000,0) & “.” & right(“000” & rounddown({Amount} - 1000rounddown({Amount}/1000,0),0), 3), “”) & if({Amount}<1000, rounddown({Amount} - 1000rounddown({Amount}/1000,0),0) ,“”) & “,” & right(“00” & (({Amount}*100) - rounddown({Amount},0)*100),2) & " €"

For 1234 in the amount column, you will display 1.234,00 € in the formula column. You can easily remove the"." to have 1234,00 €. You can use the formula column in DocuGen.