Hi there, I’m trying to build a formulated tool for one of our teams however I keep coming up against an issue where I am getting explanation marks as an error with the reason being either ‘Invalid Parameters’ or ‘Cannot divide by 0’.
I’ve searched through the other solutions to this issue and tried to resolve this however nothing seems to work, below is the formula:
IF(({Revenue (Local)}+0)<>0,CONCATENATE(ROUNDUP((DIVIDE({EBITDA (Local)},{Revenue (Local)})*100),1),“%”),0)
If I remove the column names and have the formula as the below then I get all entries populated with no errors however it appears something to do with the second part of the formula is causing the issues:
IF(({Revenue (Local)}+0)<>0,1,0) - Returns 1 or 0 for all items
Any help would be greatly appreciated