If + Divide and Percentage - One Of The Parameters is Invalid

Simple division percentage equation, but only if {Rebate Amount}>0. I am getting the proper calculations for other rows but the rows where {Rebate Amount}=0 I get invalid parameter.

I have tried:

IF({Deal Type}=“Standard”,0,{Reb Rec’d}/{Rebate Amount}*100)

IF({Rebate Amount}>0,{Reb Rec’d}/{Rebate Amount}*100,0)

IF({Rebate Amount}<>0,{Reb Rec’d}/{Rebate Amount}*100,0)

I have also done all the above using the divide function instead of just {Reb Rec’d}/{Rebate Amount}

I feel it must be something with roll ups, dividing by zero, or a text vs. number issue?



IF(SUM({Rebate Amount}) <> 0, DIVIDE({Reb Rec'd}, {Rebate Amount}) * 100, 0)

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday

Thanks, Jim. Looks like I am still receiving the same error.

Hi @ieller,

IF(SUM({Rebate Amount}) <> 0, DIVIDE({Reb Rec'd}, {Rebate Amount}) * 100, 0)

doesn’t work, because monday evaluates calculates the DIVIDE function before checking if {Rebate Amount} is 0 which therefore generates the error because you can’t divide by 0. That’s called the “Lazy approach” (for more on this, see A Simple Way to Handle Empty Columns and Avoid Errors in your Formulas)

Instead try:

{Reb Rec’d}/IF({Rebate Amount}<>0,{Rebate Amount},1000000000)*100

If {Rebate Amount}=0, it will divide by 10000000000 (could be any really high number) which will give you 0 without generating an error.


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Good job Gilles.

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Thank you! This seemed to work for the most part. Only a couple values are still returning an error. I think I have it from here. Appreciate it!