Formula to generate text from numbers

I have a column A with numbers, x, y, z mostly with decimals. I need to find the way to generate in a second column B with text according to the number in A. Ex : A = 0,8 → B = not risky / A = 2,7 → B = high risk.

I have this formula that is supposed to generate the good text for numbers between x and y, y and z etc… But its not working, the text text doesn-t fit wtih the right numbers (ex : 0,5 → empty / 1,2 → risky as it should be not risky)

Any ideas/advises for a correct formula (or an other way to get my goal) ?
Thanks for the help :slightly_smiling_face:

IF(AND({Scoring risk}<=0,99),“non scoré”,IF(AND({Scoring risk}>=1,{Scoring risk}<=1,39),“peu risqué”, IF(AND({Scoring risk}>=1,40,{Scoring risk}<=2,19),“risqué”, IF(AND({Scoring risk}>=2,20,{Scoring risk}<=3),“très risqué”," "))))

Do you have AI on your account? If so, can you use it in a text column to ‘read’ the data in A and return the word?

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Hi Christelle,


IF({Scoring risk}<=0.99,"non scoré",
    IF(AND({Scoring risk}>=1,{Scoring risk}<=1.39),"peu risqué",
          IF(AND({Scoring risk}>=1.40,{Scoring risk}<=2.19),"risqué", 
                 IF(AND({Scoring risk}>=2.20,{Scoring risk}<=3),"très risqué"," ")

I know I am using a dot as decimal separator and you’re using a comma, but when I pasted your formula it did work as you described. For the first problem (0.5) I removed the first AND function and it did resolve it. For the second, I changed all commas for dots and it started working, so it may be worth a try.


Want to take your formulas to the next level? Try the Advanced Formula Booster, the app that reinvents formulas in monday.

  • Create formulas without using the Formula column (and avoid its limitations)
  • Build formulas involving data from the previous item, the next item, the sub-items, the parent item, even items in the same group or the same board.
  • In one formula, update multiple columns from multiple items.

Check our blog for real use cases.

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Thank you Desiree,

It’s my first time experiencing the AI. I like the idea then I tried this (below) but it doesn’t work… What would be the correct way to express my need ?

Hello Gilles,
Yess, it did work ! Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

Super. Content que ça ait fonctionné!