💡 General Caster - Formula Tip - From Date to Timeline

General Caster

General Caster includes a collection of automation recipes aimed at performing enhanced calculations in monday.com without using a formula column .

Complete documentation is available here.

From Date to Timeline Formula

Given {item.date} your Date column placeholder, use the following formula:

CONCATENATE(FORMAT_DATE({item.date}, "YYYY-MM-DD"), ";", FORMAT_DATE(ADD_DAYS({item.date}, 5), "YYYY-MM-DD"))

to update your Timeline column with a range from Date to Date + 5 days.


Hey @rob :wave:

Love how you’re supporting the app here and helping our users out with a use case that’s definitely common! Some of our users would definitely enjoy using this :slight_smile:


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Do you have any idea why this formula

CONCATENATE({3},’ ‘,{1#Labels},’ ’ ,FORMAT_DATE(TODAY(), “YYYY-MM-DD”))

does not work for me in the General Caster integration ??

Hey @HJH
Please replace {3} and {1#Labels} in your formula with the correct placeholders you get when you click on the corresponding column button in Formula field (.i.e. {item.status}).

hey it’s not working even when i do this

CONCATENATE(‘j’ , {item.long_text6})

which is drop-down column label that i took from the Formula field .
I did play with it a lot and try different ways to get this to work . the only label that gets result is the item name .
It seems that the automation doesn’t recognize the labels from the formula field .
maybe the monday structure itself got changed lately and causing the general caster automation to not working properly ??

Hei @HJH
Hi John,

sorry for our late reply to your General Caster bug report.

We were working on a completely new version of General Caster with improved speed and functionalities.

Would you like to give it a try?

Here’s the link to install it.

Please let me know if it works.

Hi guys,

I’ve been trying to use the formula above. I’m copying exactly what @rob wrote in his first message with my column ids and it doesn’t work.

I write this in the formula field of the integration:

CONCATENATE(FORMAT_DATE({item.date_19}, “YYYY-MM-DD”), “;”, FORMAT_DATE(ADD_DAYS({item.date84}, 5), “YYYY-MM-DD”))

I get this error: “General Caster Formula Error: Unexpected ,”

Any ideas on how I could solve this?


General Caster recently migrated to a new more powerful and faster platform.

The “perform existing formula” integration is now gone due to small differences in the syntax used in the Formula column and in General Caster and some of your formulas must be updated.

We are going to publish a complete documentation. In the meantime, you can take a look at


In order to check what’s wrong with your formula, please check what the result actually is by casting it into a temporary Text column and change it accordingly.

In particular, FORMAT_DATE and ADD_DAYS functions are not available anymore.
Just use the following formula.

CONCATENATE(TEXT({item.date_19}, "YYYY-MM-DD"), ":", TEXT({item.date84} + 5, "YYYY-MM-DD"))

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Great, thanks @rob !
The result in a text column appears like this: 2021-03-19:2021-03-31
How can I cast this to a Timeline column instead of a text column?

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I have the same problem… @rob

Hey @AliBri and @Amelie
Sorry for the confusion.

Here’s the correct formula:

CONCATENATE(TEXT(DATEVALUE({item.date4}) + 10, "YYYY-MM-DD"), "+", TEXT(DATEVALUE({item.date4}) + 20, "YYYY-MM-DD"))

It takes a date and create a timeline from “date + 10 days” to “date + 20 days”.


Hi, thank you, unfortunately I can’t add the General Caster integration…

I tried this:
CONCATENATE(TEXT(DATEVALUE({Start Datum}) + {Planned days pro MA}, “YYYY-MM-DD”), “+”, TEXT(DATEVALUE({Start Datum}) + {Planned days pro MA}, “YYYY-MM-DD”))

adapting your formula and it gives me now for example 44266+44266 as a result…

Update column references…

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okay, where can I find the references ? or where can we update it ? Sorry I don’t get it :slight_smile:

I’m trying to install General Caster via this link as the app doesn’t seem to appear in the monday market, but I keep receiving the same message:
Is there any other way to install it?

Use this link:

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Although Formula column syntax is similar to Excel syntax, there are some differences.

If you are converting all your formulas from Formula column to General Caster, you can’t simply copy the formula from the column and paste it into the formula composer in General Caster.

In the Formula column, when you click on a column reference, {column_name} is added to the text. General Caster uses a slightly difference reference, for example {item.column_id} . Just click on the corresponding column button at the bottom of formula composer in General Caster to get the correct column reference.

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It works! I love this integration @rob, thank you so much!
Happy planning :slight_smile:

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Hi Rob,
Appreciate the support for the app here. I’m trying to accomplish the opposite of the original post, in a way. I want to extract the Start Date of an existing Timeline Column so that I can use the start date to trigger a monday.com automation. Is this going to be possible using General Caster?


Just take a look at GC Ideas page:

Something like LEFT({item.timeline}, 10)