💡 General Caster - Formula Tip - From Date to Timeline

I am trying to create an automation using the following formula with General Caster. This should pull the Start Date from the Current Timeline based on what’s advised above. It is not working with this code but code seems correct. Can anyone help please?

SWITCH(TEXT(LEFT({item’s Timeline}, 10),“MMMM”)),
“January”, “January”,
“February”, “February”,
“March”, “March”,
“April”, “April”,
“May”, “May”,
“June”, “June”,
“July”, “July”,
“August”, “August”,
“September”, “September”,
“October”, “October”,
“November”, “November”,
“December”, “December”)

Hey @declan.maher
The formula is not correct.
Once you get the “start” part of the timeline you need to convert it into a valid date with DATEVALUE() function.
Then you’ll be able to get the corresponding month without the need of SWITCH() function.

TEXT(DATEVALUE(LEFT({item’s Timeline}, 10)), "MMMM")

That’s amazing Rob. Many thanks for the swift reply. That works perfectly.

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Has anyone used General Caster to populate a Timeline from two dates - Start - Finish?

hi @Noelie2000

There is an app dedicated to do that, see https://monday.com/marketplace/18

Thanks I was hoping to use General Caster to get value out of it but will look at your solution.


Hi @Noelie2000
Of course you can.
Just take a look at our Ideas page:

Thanks. I’ve actually found the calculation but need it for a subitem which does not seem to be available:

CONCATENATE({item’s From}, “+”, {item’s To})

Unfortunately subitems are not directly supported yet due to limitations on monday’s side.
You can anyway add a Subitem Summary Column to the parent item and use General Caster with it.

Or you can use the Sync SubItem Timeline app from the marketplace.

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(post deleted by author)

Just wanted to say Thank You for posting this solution. I’ve been searching the web for days trying to figure it out and this formula worked for what I do.

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