Get newest Items first throws error

I’d like to get the newest items from a group first and the documentation mentions the newest_first boolean under items. But I get this:

“Field ‘items’ doesn’t accept argument ‘newest_first’”

Am I stupid? Can anyone tell me what’s going wrorng?

boards(ids: 000000000) {
groups(ids: “group_id”) {
items(newest_first: true, limit: 1) {

Hi @ti-sign :wave:

There is, indeed, and issue with the newest_first argument with the items field in our API. It will currently work if your top level field is item, but as soon as you nest it within another item, such as boards is no longer works as expected.

This is something that our team is aware of and will get resolved.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post about this - we really appreciate it :raised_hands:


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