Get possible tags and status


I’m quite new to developing with monday API and I run into the following case:
How is it possible, to read all status or tags, that can be set in a column?

Explanation: I want to to a mutation, which sets a specific status. Therefore I need to know the ID of the status. Is there any way to retrieve this information for all status at once?

As for tags: I got all global tags, that are available in my monday, but not all of them can be used in my column. How can I get only those, that can be used in my column? We don’t use board tags.

Best regards

Hello there @AnkeAS and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

Regarding statuses, you can use something like this to get the labels and indexes:

  boards(ids: 1234567890) {
    columns(ids: "status") {

Regarding the tags, in which scenario are you not being able to use an existing tag in a board?

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Thank you very much! I will try this :slight_smile:

These are some example tags, which I got with the following query
tags {

But I can’t user i.e. “Caravan12024” in my Board:

Therefore I would like to only get the tags, which are available to me.

But when I use tags in boards (I erased the id for the screenshot), I don’t get any:

Best regards,

Hello again @AnkeAS,

What happens if you try adding that tag to that board via a mutation, using the tag’s ID?


First again thanks for the status-snippet: this works :slight_smile:

And I tried the mutation with the id for "Caravan12024’.
I don’t get an error message, but afterwards the entry is just empty:

Best regards

I just noticed, that it got changed… but I only see that, after switching to anoather board and back

Hello again @AnkeAS,

Would you be able to please fill this form (Submit a request – Support) adding as much information as possible to it (such as account ID, board IDs, item IDs, timestamps, etc.) so that our team can take a look into it?