Google Calendar Integration needs improvement primarily
Multiple Calendar events are created outside of the date boards. I.e. there will be one event for the time the event was created (which isn’t necessary and requires more calendar maintenance than its worth) in addition to the actual date columns.
Updates aren’t always kept in sync
A new event is created every single time a task is changed.
Need for more fields including Link column as links are necessary in the event details for agendas, Google Docs, online conference links, etc.
Separation of date and time columns so that people can “book” meetings through a form. The only column field allowed in the Calendar event is date/time and the forms do not support that combination, so manual work is required to add the time to the date and ignores the time column.
Ability to automate the length of a meeting to 30, 45, or 60 minutes (or longer) by adding a length or formula in the form that allows those booking the meeting to set the length of the meeting and the date/time column updates with that ending time. Right now, #2 and #3 must be done manually for every meeting.
MUST HAVE: Ability to select the calendar in Google. It should be in the integration. Right now, the meetings go to my business calendar, not the company calendar. I don’t want to set up a separate Google account for a non-human with a calendar and add them as a paid seat member just to make this process happen. Many business people have separate calendars for projects, teams, conferences, etc., and the ability to post to those calendars is essential.
We’re happy to help you. Our professional’s expertise with integration can be beneficial to tackling Google Calendar integration issues. We have the perfect Google Calendar integration solution and extensive experience in tailoring other integrations as well.
Kindly connect further to better understand our assistance.
We have recently released the app Google Calendar Sync which let’s you choose any calendar from your Google account, and allows you to build 1-way or 2-way integration (realtime sync) with them.
We have perfected the syncing functionality to make it smart enough to not make mistakes like native monday integration for Google Calendar does. Our app will always keep your updates in sync. Also there are customizable integration rules allowing you to setup event creation only on status change. As per your use cases mentioned above, this app will fit perfectly in your workflows.
If you want to see the app in action first checkout this demo here