Guest Owner? - Owner access without access to other boards

Hi everyone!

I work for company A who is an administrator for company B.
My company A has an account with several boards that we do not want company B to have access to.
We are seeking to add a user from company B (hes already a guest admin) to be an owner of our mutual group board so he can add his team members - but not be able to see our other boards.
Is this possible? Our main concern is making sure he can’t see our other boards which I believe adding him as a team member would do.

Thank you for your time,

Hey @Min ,

In this case, if you want people from Company B to see a single board, I would add them as guests and make that board shareable! To do this you would need to get the list of emails of Company B’s team members. Let me know if something isn’t clear :blush: