Hey @RuthQ ,
imagine SWITCH as follow:
Resource = {Resource type},
Case1 = "green",
Solution for Case1 = {Time tracking round up} * 400,
Case2 = "blue",
Solution for Case2 = {Time tracking round up} * 200),
Case3 = "red",
Solution for Case3 = {Time tracking round up} * 100,
Case4 = "Other",
Solution for Case4 = {Time tracking round up} * 0
As you can see you can just add more “cases” with their “solutions” to the SWITCH() function.
For example:
Case5 = "yellow",
Solution for Case5 = {Time tracking round up} + 1000
and in terms of empty fields you could add a “solution” to an empty field like so:
Case6 = "",
Solution for Case6 = {Time tracking round up} * 0
So your switch would look like this:
SWITCH({Resource type}, "green", {Time tracking round up} * 400, "blue", {Time tracking round up} * 200, "", {Time tracking round up} * 0 )
Or use the default like @JCorrell mentioned (and is probably the better solution, because it covers everything which is not covered in your “cases”), which you can tell by the trailing 0 at the end:
SWITCH({Resource type}, "green", {Time tracking round up} * 400, "blue", {Time tracking round up} * 200, 0 )
You can always check how the formula fucntions work by hovering the functions in the configuration of the formula:
Hope I could help.