I am trying to add several people columns together based on their associated statuses to make a staff rota.
Its 90% done and working very well so far.
However, I am trying to create a formula whereby if a person’s status is “Working” its added as a number so I can count number of staff working on a given day.
For example, this basic IF statement works well:
IF({< S. AN}=“Working”, “1”, “0”) …where {<S. AN} is the status column.
This returns a 1 or a 0 based on the status. Great.
However, I want to add the total number of these horizontally across the board for multiple staff.
So for example something like:
SUM (IF({< S. AN}=“Working”, “1”, “0”), IF({< S. AC}=“Working”, “1”, “0”))
this should return “2” if both statuses are titled “Working”. Or “1” if just one is “Working” etc.
However, I can’t seem to get my head around adding these IF statements together?
Any advice appreciated!