Hi there! I’d like to suggest a feature - the ability to hide or disable the column summary row that shows at the bottom of each group in a table.
For the vast majority of my company’s boards, this row is completely useless. We have the ability to hide the summary presented in each column, but this leaves you with a strange empty row that cannot be hidden or disabled. Being able to completely disable or hide the summary row would make our groups much cleaner and would be very appreciated.
My company would also find this feature very helpful. In most cases, this row is creating visual clutter that adds to confusion for the less savvy users.
Additionally, in a complicated board with many columns, it’s takes some time to hide each summary individually.
I have the same issue. It is completely unnecessary for the boards we manage. Our boards would look so much cleaner if we could turn off the summary. Please consider adding this to your longterm roadmap.
I support this idea. Being able to hide the summary row would give back some valuable screen real estate, too. I was thinking to have it hide by default if all columns have the summary row turned off. Or an option to turn them off/on automatically.