How do i move an item to a new board, keeping updates

I need to move an item from one board to an other, but keep all its updates intact, all this using the API.
Right now i am close of achieving that by creating a new item in the new board, using the old item data, then creating an update for each existing update.

The problem with this way of moving an item to a new board, is that the updates receive a new date and a new owner, because they are new.

I need somehow to move those updates from the old item to the new item, so they keep the date and who posted that update.

Could someone help me ?

(i need to do this from api, and i am talking about items in boards not subitems)

Thank you so much!

use the move_item_to_board mutation

Just remember you have to specify ALL columns in the mappings, or none (in which case it will make its best guess). Though exclude formula columns.

If you need to leave a copy of the item behind, duplicate the item first then move one of them. You can duplicate with updates via api too (its on that same page)

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