How do I query items_by_column_values where the value is null (None)?

How do I query items_by_column_values where the value is null (None)?
In particular, I am interested in column types of status and link.

query {
    board_id: 1234567890,
    column_id: "status",
    column_value: "null"
    column_values {

Hey @sillywilly – welcome to the community :wave:

At the moment there isn’t a way to query an empty value on that particular operation, but I’ve passed this feedback along to our dev team so we can review it in a future iteration.

Thanks a lot!

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This would be great and make sense!

The workaround is to create bogus data and search on that.

It should be native.

Hi all, Has the problem of retrieving items where the value of a certain column is null been resolved from 2019 to today?

Hi @jackalope,

This is currently not supported by our API. Could you share more on your use case for this feature? I’d like to understand your need and pass this along to our team.

The final goal (which is similar to what I indicated in the other thread) is to be able to notify the person who owns a certain item for which one or more columns are empty to remind him to fill them.

Thanks for sharing this @jackalope! This will help our team understand what is missing from our current features.

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Hi @alessandra ,

We have an enterprise monday subscription and we have been waiting for this feature about 1 year as well. Do you have any eta on this?

Thanks for your support.

Hi @mehmet,

Thanks for your feedback! While we don’t have an ETA for this feature, I’ve added your vote to this request to let our team know of your interest.


In version 2023-10 it now allows to filter by null value.

Happy programming!