Query items_by_column_values when column type isn't a string

I’ve used this page to query the item id based on a name:

query {
    complexity { query after }
    items_by_column_values (board_id: ${boardId}, column_id: "name", column_value: "xxxx") {

According to the docs I should also be able to do this on non string columns, like group. When trying to do this I keep getting errors.


query {
    complexity { query after }
    items_by_column_values (board_id: 1181679630, column_id: "group", column_value: "{ title: "Group Title A" }") {

Error message:

"message":"Parse error on \"Title\" (IDENTIFIER) at [3, 100]","locations":[{"line":3,"column":100}]}]

Does anyone know how to fix this?