How to distill members that don't really need it


Our community is expanding quite fast. As new added members are added as (billable) member, our costs are increasing just as fast :slight_smile:

Therefore, we would like to scan our users every now and then to validate if membership is really required.

Question is, how to do this? Scanning each member if they really make updates seems quite time consuming.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Hi @HarmLommers ,

If you are an admin on the account you can go to Administration → Users. From here you will see the user’s name, email, etc. The last column is “Last Active” you can sort and see when a user was last active and investigate the users that have not been active for a certain amount of time.

This is a good start because it will weed out users who aren’t logging into the tool, but if you are looking for a way to see more specific details like items created, comments made, etc. you may want to check out “Usage Stats” in the Administration section.

Hi Kayla,

The last column is “Last Active” you can sort and see when a user was last active and investigate the users that have not been active for a certain amount of time.

Thanks, but a lot of our users regularly log in to only read some boards. This means they are active but don’t need a membership for that.

you may want to check out “Usage Stats” in the Administration section

Here I only see aggregate data, so I don’t see how I could use that for this matter.