"How to download media from a Monday board using the API."

Hello, how can I retrieve a media to download it using the Monday API? I need to transfer lines from a Monday board to a website, and I’m working with the API in PHP. Currently, I’ve successfully used the API to transfer all the text lines from the board, but I’m struggling to retrieve media for display.

Here’s an example of what the API returns for media, which can be present in updates or responses from a Monday board:

The API returns media in this format :

Hello there @kilianGillioz and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

You can use the public_url field as explained here to get a link to download the asset.

I hope that helps!


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Indeed, I can see the images with the public URL, but I would like to know if it’s possible to download the media that are in the ‘assets’ file.

Hello again @kilianGillioz,

The only way to download that file is via the “public_url”.

There is no way to download it directly.
