How to Import a Single Column to an Existing Board (First Name)

My company has been using CRM for a little bit and would like to create email templates that include just our potential clients’ first name. We did not create this column at the beginning and are looking for a way to add a first name column that can show just the leads’ First name instead of their full name.

Is it possible to do this automatically or do we need to add the first name manually to each lead?

Hi @IsaacWoodwick - sadly monday imports do not offer the ability to simply update a column on import to a row that exists. In these cases we normally create a simple scenario that will pull the data from a Sheet, match it and update the required columns. It could likely be created in a couple of minutes and no need for manual intervention.

Let us know if you need a hand further.


Hello @IsaacWoodwick,
You can use the Toolkit app for this.
Just copy and paste the column values into the app and the app will paste it into the selected column. Simple and easy.

Hi @IsaacWoodwick ,

Welcome to the monday community :slightly_smiling_face:!

The solution can be achieved through an custom integration and a formula.

For all the exisiting data you can add a First Name column and a status column to trigger the action and use this “IF(LEN({Name})>0,LEFT({Name}, SEARCH(" “, {Name}&” “)-1),”")” formula to perform the task through an integration and cast the result to the newly added First Name column.

If you’re looking for a professional assistance [hiring consultants ] from a preferred partner company is the right choice. The consultants can potentially build custom workflows and automations in a way to help you visualize and setup your project boards.

Neelam B
Damco Solutions
Phone: +1 609 632 0350 | Email :

Thank you Neelam, that should help!