Import to Monday board

hello it looks like the Dropdown are not supported when importing from Excel … even if valus are exactly the same can you tell me if you have a bypass ?

Actually there is a workaround, you can import the dropdown column to a text column (just make sure the different labels are separated with a coma) and after importing convert the column to a dropdown column.
This of course if you need more than one label for some items, otherwise you can just import into a status column and convert it to a dropdown.

Hope that helps

@einavpeleg thanks I will try it and this gave me an Idea to build an intermediate Board to do this import then will move the Items in the correct production board THANKS

If it’s more than a one time, then definitely it’s a good idea. Using intermediates boards is something I do all the time for mutating data to the format I want to :+1:t2: