Integration with MS Onenote

We use MS Onenote in several projects. Onenote is a wonderful tool for meeting agendas, documentation etc.

I would like to send a Onenote page to a board, creating a pulse.

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Hi Bjorn! Thanks for suggesting this one, I’ve added your request to our product team that will review this. Could you share a bit how this would improve your workflow on

I look forward to seeing this come to life down the road!

Top of mind is that we get a link between the pulse = project action and the specification and background material we have in Onenote. For tracking purposes.


This is a wonderful recommendation. Our department has the knowledge database in OneNote. I do too envision a link between the Pulse and OneNote material.


Great - thanks so much for sharing! We’ve taken your feedback for product to review, if you have any other ideas feel free to post them or add onto previous posts :slight_smile:

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I know this conversation is a little old, but I wanted to add my use case to the request:

My team uses shared OneNote notebooks to collaborate, and for project management. It would be ideal if we could create a pulse in by using a specific tag in OneNote:


This works with the external app Taskclone

This is old but bumping anyway. The other microsoft products are already part of the integration, being able to link shared training and other team knowledge databases out of one note to a specific task would be invaluable.

Integration with Microsoft Onenote would be a great feature. Right now the only real option is to use links.

Wanted to follow up on status of this as OneNote has the Loop Components feature that could easily be integrated with to track actionable tasks, assign tasks, etc. This feature would eliminate a significant redundancy I am struggling with to bridge the gap with OneNote and Monday

Hi, is there any update on this feature? thanks