Internal Server Error when create_item

I am trying to create a item using the following query (with postman):

However I get Internal Server Error (500) .
What is the problem with these queries?

Hi @Oscare, welcome to the community!

I believe you’re running into this error because your column_values variable need to be in JSON formatting, like so:

{ "column_values" : "{\"texte\":\"3\"}" }

Let me know if this helps!

Hi Helen,

None of the create_item column_values are not working. I tried evert possible way. Please check below API Playground query and share working example.
1st try
create_item(board_id:1209936255, group_id: “topics”, item_name: “testtt”
, column_values: “{ text_1: \“678\”}”){id}

2nd try

create_item(board_id:1209936255, group_id: “topics”, item_name: “testtt”
, column_values: { text_1: “678”}){id}


Hey @kishore522 ,

it’s the same as @Helen mentioned above.

In your case:

column_values : "{\"text_1\":\"678\"}"

Check this out for further info about how to structure your query/mutations

Hope that helped.

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