Is it possible to use value in formula column to setup timeline with automation?

Hello, is it possible to use value in formula column (the formula calculates a date) to set it as end date for timeline using an automation?

The formula is:
IF({Growth Path}=“Tactical M&A”,SUBTRACT_DAYS({F: Start Implementation},0),IF({Growth Path}=“Feature”,SUBTRACT_DAYS({F: Start Implementation},14),IF({Growth Path}=“Geclone”,SUBTRACT_DAYS({F: Start Implementation},42),IF({Growth Path}=“New Launch”,SUBTRACT_DAYS({F: Start Implementation},56),IF({Growth Path}=“New Format”,SUBTRACT_DAYS({F: Start Implementation},42))))))

The end goal that I want to achieve is to set timelines automatically by:

  • using today’s date (entry item date) as start of the timeline
  • set as end date the result in the formula column.

Thank you!

Hi @Tsvetomir,

At this point, no. You’d have to look at a 3rd-party app like Advanced Formula Booster for this. This app allows you to create formulas like the one you created (although in a more user-friendly way, because it accommodates multiple lines/instructions, therefore you don’t need to nest functions into other functions) and cast the result to a regular column (a date column in your case).


Thank you for the answer. This is pity. Do you know if this functionality is in the future roadmap at least? I do not want to pay to third party company.
