Is there a way to get all subitems from a board between specific creation dates?

Your help is much appreciated.

I am very new to this and have been searching and trying different ways with success. Is there a way to query all subitems from a board between specific create dates?

hi @jyuc

I don’t think that is possible with just one query. The items_page is where you can filter for column values (like date), but that works on items (not subitems). The good news is: subitems are just items on another board. You can retrieve the boardId where those subitems live with:

  boards(ids: 123456789) {
    columns (ids: "subitems") {

where 123456789 is the id of your board holding the items and subitems. This will return a settings_str in the form:


which contains the boardId of the board where the subitems live, in this case 987654321. Now you can query that board and filter for dates with:

  boards(ids: 987654321) {
      limit: 100
      query_params: {rules: [{column_id: "date0", compare_value: ["2023-11-23", "2023-11-25"], operator: between}]}
    ) {
      items {
        column_values {

So, basically an items query on the board holding the subitems :slight_smile:.