I’m trying to un-archive an item. The item appears in global search as having been archived in a particular board. It was archived sometime this year.
Since I cannot un-archive from global search, I tried searching for it in the board’s archive. It does not appear. The archive search forces a filter by month/year. So it’s not possible to just find it no matter when it was archived. Is there any way to find it so I can unarchive it? Honestly not sure what I could be doing wrong; this should be an easy thing.
On the archived item in the global search, you can click on the item to open it then select the Activity Log. From there you can hover over the timeframe of the archive action to get the actual date of the archival. See below:
Hi Alexa, assuming the board hasn’t been deleted or archived, do you have permissions on the board? This may be blocking you from restoring an item, the quick way could be to make yourself, or request to be a Board Owner. Also are you on Enterprise tier, or below? You may have to contact monday support for this one to investigate.
Hi Jim, thank you for that. It appears that the main issue was that I needed to be searching by Item Name instead of by his email in the board’s archive.