Linkage limits clarification - mondayDB 2.0

With 100K board items being possible on mondayDB 2.0 I want to seek clarification on the maximum connected items.

A) What is the maximum number of items that may be connected to from a board?

B) If there are multiple connections to the same item on board B from board A, do all of those connections count as 1 linked item (since its only 1 item being linked to), or does each place its connected (multiple items and columns) count as a separate linked item?

@Julietteb Seeking definitive answers from with documentation if possible.

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I can answer A) with certainty as I have tested it in our setup and someone from Monday confirmed it to us:

The new linked item limits for large Boards is 100.000 linked items.

For B) I am not quite certain - although I believe even if it is the same item being linked to - it counts as two separate connections.

Essentially you can look at it this way: For each ‚visible connected item‘ in the connect Boards column, it counts one connection.

Another interesting trick I discovered that isn’t mentioned anywhere in docs:
You can archive items - and once restored their connections will also be restored.

I did find the Enterprise documentation for limits.

B) is the one that I am unsure about and need the answer to. I also wonder if the subitem boards connections (so connect board columns on subitems) are another 100K or count toward the main 100K

your C) about restoring deleted/archived items I knew about since it was in the announcement when they finally fixed the deleted items are still linked issue.