Linked items

Hi there - I am a bit puzzled about the item limits for linked items in boards and the item limits in place.

Let’s say we have two boards. Board 1 and Board 2.

From Board 1, I am creating a Connect Boards column and connecting it with Board 2, and only creating a one-way connection.

Will this effect the item limit on board 2, or will it only effect the item limit on board 1?

Hey Nate!

If you are not creating a new item on Board 2 with the Connect Boards Column (for example, through an automation recipe like “when X happens, create item in Board 2 and connect it to Y item in Board 1”), it won’t affect the number of items you can have on a board at all.

The linked item limits are about how many items you can connect into one board or one Connect Boards Column or cell - not about how many items you can have on a board that is connected to another board.

Here’s some more info: Linkage limitations for the Connect Boards Column > Item linkage limitations

Does this help clarify?