MacOS opens item links in default browser instead of in the MacOs app

HI All,

I get this annoying behavior.

Each time :

  • I click on link in a team chat (Slack or Teams for instance)
  • MacOS will open it in my default browser (in a new tab)

Contexte :

  • Using macOS (up to date)
  • macos app is installed.

I wish it could open in the app instead of my browser. At the end of the day, I end up with too many session of opened in my browser for nothing.

Maybe there is a trick or a setting to tweak in macOs to change that behavior ?

Thank you for your help,


Hello there @gdh,

I don’t know of a mac workaround to change that behavior. Thank you for bringing this as a request!

Everyone remember you can vote for this at the top of the screen!
