In the Monday CRM Demo, the mass-email feature is shown with Deals:
Look at Minute: 19:50 Min in the video for reference.
However when attempting to do the exact same thing: Initiating a mass E-mail on the Opportunities / Deals board - to related contacts, the button does not appear.
I do not know if this is a bug, or if Mass E-Mails are truly only possible from the contacts board (i.e. a board where the E-Mail address is its own column)
If this is the case, I would like to understand how this is done in the Demo, or if it is an upcoming feature of the Mass-Email functionality.
For us this could be a vital use case and a factor for adoption:
We need to be able to mass-Email clients in the Deals board, so that each E-Mail is associated with the respective deal as well.
Would you be happy to DM me with a screenshot of what you see on your end when you attempt to bulk send an email? I can reach out to our technical team incase there’s a deeper issue here
It seems like it should be possible to mass email any contacts who show up in boards across both CRM and WM, in one of the multiple-contact fields (even if mirrored). Monday obviously has a reference to the contacts themselves, which each have emails associated with them.
On my contacts board, I can’t filter by stuff that’s on other connected boards, so I can’t mass email a selected group of people who might be part of a deal.
But on those connected boards, I can see multiple contacts in a cell. Is there something on the roadmap that would allow me to mass email those multiple contacts for a given row on a non-Contacts table?
I agree that this feature is vital and I really hope that the monday team thinks about allowing us to mass-email related items with an E-Mail column. (i.e. just like how when we compose an E-Mail all related items E-Mail Addresses are suggested, we would be able to choose which related item (contact) we want to E-Mail in a Mass E-Mail).
A mirror column on its own wouldn’t work, as a Deal could be related to multiple contacts.
However, for your use-case if it is not important to have the E-Mail that is sent, directly associated to the item, there is a workaround:
You can always choose to mirror the criteria you need from your deals board to the contacts board, and then do the filtering in the Contacts board.
This would allow you to contact all contacts with certain Deals for example, or with Deals over 100$ for example.
However there are two downsides:
The mass-Email that is sent through the contacts board will only be associated to the contact itself, not to the Deals item. (It will still appear in the Deal’s item history, but it won’t be possible to have a separate response status for the Deal item as the conversation thread was not started there. (New E-Mail from this Deal item, Waiting for reply on this Deal Item)
The filtering can only take place on a consolidated level: If one contact has 5 deals, which together are worth over 100$, this would be included
There is also a second workaround, which is a bit cumbersome though, and adds unnecessary extra steps + a third party provider, but will not have the downsides I mentioned in the other workaround:
You can add a button to your Deals board, which would be something like “prepare mass-email”. You should also add an E-Mail column to your Deals Board.
Then you setup an Automation: when button clicked, send a webhook.
Now you need a third party provider like Zapier or MAKE - there you will need to setup a webhook.
What the webhook should do, is fill in the E-Mail column of the Deals item, with the related E-Mail from the contacts board.
Lastly you need to setup another button and an automation in Monday:
Create a “Finish Mass E-Mail” button.
Setup an Automation that clears the E-mail column once the “finish mass-email” button was clicked
Then once you want to E-Mail all your relevant Deals, you can filter the ones you need to E-Mail. For those Deals, click the button “Prepare Mass-Email”.
This will fill the E-Mail column in your selected items with the respective related contacts E-Mail column.
Then you can select the Deals you want to E-Mail and send out a Mass-Email.
Lastly you can click the “Finish Mass E-Mail” button on each Deal item which was selected, to remove the E-Mail address from the Deals item to not have outdated info in it and to avoid incoming E-Mails from being wrongly associated with the Deal.
This, of course, is a tedious and unnecessary workaround for something that is very much expected out of a CRM in my personal opinion.