Missing Column for other owner

i am an owner of a board. i created a column. i added owners into that board.
one column is not visible in to one of the owners.

what could be the issue here? thanks

Link to Contacts v3 column is not visible to risk manager


Which column is not visible? Is it your mirror column? If so, make sure that the same people have ownership status on the board that is mirrored on your Scheduled Calls board.

Your risk manager must be either a member of your Contacts v3 board, OR if the Contacts v3 board is a main board, then they at least need to be a member of the workspace where it lives.

that exactly is the issue, we are both owners of the 2 boards

and Risk Officer is actually Owner of the Workspace where those 2 boards are located.

Screenshot 2024-04-19 232357

Screenshot 2024-04-19 232033

Screenshot 2024-04-19 232017

I’ve had this issue before - try restricting your column and adding them to the column permissions.