In short, on the Enterprise plan, you can make a workspace private, or “closed” as we refer to it here at! On the other plan types, it currently is not possible to make a workspace private.
If you are on the Enterprise plan, you can make a closed workspace upon creation of that workspace by selecting “Closed” as so:
Alternatively, if you’ve already created an open workspace which you’d like to change to be closed, you can change it directly from the main page of that workspace. From the workspace main page, click on the three-dot menu at the top right and press on “Change workspace type” and then “Closed workspace” as so:
Any team members can join by invite or request to join.
Once joining, they have access to all Main boards within that workspace, and any Private/Shareable boards they’ve been invited to.
Any team member subscribed to a board from a closed workspace will have access to that board but will not be able to see anything else within the workspace.
Main boards in Closed workspaces are accessible only to team members who have joined the workspace (and board subscribers as mentioned above).
These workspaces will be marked with a lock symbol, indicating a Closed workspace.
To read all about workspaces, check out this article!
One question that often comes up from clients considering Enterprise for closed workspaces is: “Will team members be able to see the names of who else is already a member of a closed Workspace?” and the answer is no, except they can always see the designated Workspace Owner names. (see Answers: Can I make someone the administrator of a workspace? - #2 by PolishedGeek )
For anyone who would like a private demo and walkthrough of Pro vs. Enterprise features, so you can decide if Enterprise is really right for your business, please book one below with us at Polished Geek.
If you choose to go with Enterprise after our demo, Polished Geek will provide complimentary training and onboarding sessions for your team to help you get started with all those exciting new features quickly. And as your authorized partner, we work through our official monday channels to get you access as early as possible to new Enterprise features that are in limited release or beta.
If interested in getting great features like the private Workspaces described here, please book a private Enterprise demo here: Book Polished Geek: more with really knows how to milk us small business owners. How is this an Enterprise feature? It used to be that enterprise subscriptions contained things that were mainly useful to large companies. This is a very basic feature and should be part of the most basic plan.
Raincloud- Totally agree. This is such an important BASIC feature that should be available to all of us. We are on the Pro version and pay thousands a year, and we still cant close off workspaces. It comes up constantly with my colleagues (who all have their own businesses and use Monday). 2 of them actually stopped using Monday and switched to Asana specifically because they couldn’t create upper level closed Workspaces available. It’s an unimaginably stupid decision on Monday’s part and shows their lack of listening to customers. I know of 2 who have left the platform because of this, who knows how many thousands of $ they lose each month from others who have left or simply didn’t use Monday from the start because of this closed/open workspace simple issue. Hopefully they read this and make this change.
It is frustrating and sneaky. When I compared the plans before I decided on Monday things like this were left our of the comparisons so it wasn’t until I had spent a lot of time setting up all of the boards that I slowly realized all of the little things that were in the better plans. I see that you can make private boards in the Pro plan, but again, how is this not a basic feature. Same with formula columns.
I am on a Pro account and while I am not able to make private work spaces, I can lock boards and documents in specific work spaces. for example, I created a workspace for myself. While other team members can see the board, all items in my workspace are locked.
I totally agree. Yet another example of Monday’s pricing structure being both bizarre to understand, somewhat frustrating and borderline affronting. I am the owner and bill payer of our Monday CRM Pro account and I simply wanted to make a private workspace to manage both personal projects and occassionally confidential company projects using only some of Monday’s most basic functionality, but was not allowed. I’ve lost track of what I pay Monday but it’s no longer ‘small potatoes’ and I’m starting to get really frustrated with the way they ring fence features that are super basic (and would be free on alternative platforms) behind a pay wall. Re-evaluating Notion as we speak.
This feature (having private workspaces) not being part of the basic or even the Pro is such a let down. With other CRM platforms, this is a basic features for obvious reasons. You will have more than one project with other team members.
Why doesn’t the price to add more seats just pay for the privacy feature? Enterprise price point starts at around $14K, which is absurd!
This is suppose to be a platform for both large AND small business owners.
I have completed these steps as well and it is unnecessarily tedious. This deters me from using this platform. What is the off balance for doing extra work on what should be a basic feature?